Do I compare myself with others

What are we watching this week?
The following is a TEDx Talk on the “Culture of Comparison” by entrepreneur, and mental health counsellor Bea Arthur. She talks about, how our comparing ourselves with others, can confuse our ambitions. To counter this, she promotes the concept of alignment. She suggests that we move forward from comparison, to align instead, our own person with our own purpose.
Watch the video (13-minute watch)
Do please let us know your thoughts, on our Facebook, X, Instagram and LinkedIn.
What are we reading this week?
The Comparison Trap by Rebecca Webber, published by, Psychology Today. This piece explores the human tendency to compare ourselves with others. It is a proactive exploration, that recognises negatives and positives of comparison; with hints and tips, to help us avoid the less beneficial bait of the comparison trap
Read the article (10 minute read)
As always, we invite you to share your own viewpoints on our Facebook, X, Instagram and LinkedIn.
Who are we quoting this week?
“You are no better than anyone else, and no one is better than you.” Katherine Johnson. Joe Biden, President of the United States grew up with a play on these words from his parents “No one’s better than you, Joe. But you’re better than nobody.”
If you have something to share with us, find us on X, Instagram, Facebook or LinkedIn.