Have I ever felt ”The Fear”?

What are we reading this week?
We’re all aware of the physical symptoms of a hangover after a night out, but what about the psychological impacts?
How to Manage the Dreaded “Hangxiety” After a Night Out, by Crystal Raypole, addresses these. It gives balance and perspective to a feeling that can sometimes overpower us, impacting on our mental health and wellbeing. It explores where these negative emotions come from, and how to respond to them.
Read How to Manage the Dreaded “Hangxiety” After a Night Out (5-minute read)
What are we watching this week?
We found Dr. Allison’s YouTube video, How to Deal with Regret, to be comforting.
Rather than seeing regret as something to get rid of, or bed into, she explains the emotion as an important cue, a learning tool. It’s an opportunity to reflect, learn, and grow – to review and re-engage with our core beliefs and values.
Dr. Allison also explores when regret can turn into shame – when it can become unhealthy or destructive. Her video helps us find where that line is, improving our self-awareness.
Watch How to Deal with Regret (10-minute watch)
As always, we love to hear from you, and to incorporate your thoughts into our Tuesday Trios.
What are we quoting this week?
“We all make mistakes,
have struggles,
and even regret things in our past.
But you are not your mistakes,
you are not your struggles,
and you are here NOW with
the power to shape your day
and your future.”
– Steve Maraboli
This quote very much aligns with what Dr. Allison has to say about regret. Again, we found the sentiment comforting. There’s also a message of hope here. We cannot change our pasts, but we can control our present to influence our futures.