Do I know when I have “nothing left in the tank”?

This week, at I Am Here, we’re asking, Do I know when I have nothing left in the tank? This includes:
- Being aware of our own capacity
- Knowing when we need to step back
- Knowing how to step back
Do we recognise when we are at our maximum limit? Do we acknowledge that recognition and change our actions? Or do we deny it, hide it, and carry on regardless? Do we have a choice?
What are we reading this week?
Burnout is the state of emotional, physical, and mental exhaustion caused by prolonged stress and constant demands.
It leaves you feeling overwhelmed, drained, and unable to find motivation or interest in your work or responsibilities.
Over time, burnout can sap your energy, reduce productivity, and lead to feelings of helplessness and cynicism.
The effects of burnout extend beyond work, impacting your home, social life, and even your health, making you more prone to illnesses. Addressing burnout promptly is crucial to avoid its far-reaching consequences and regain balance and wellbeing.
This short article succinctly captures what burnout is and how we can mitigate against and treat it.
Burnout Prevention and Treatment [5-minute read].
What are we looking at this week?
This week we are looking at the image below and knowing when we can no longer say “yes.”
What are the signs to look for when our “tank” is empty? Feeling tired and drained most of the time? Feeling helpless, trapped, or defeated? Detached? Negative? Self-doubting? Overwhelmed?
Is it time to change our default response from “Yes” to “No”?
Sometimes courageous compassion is the key. We need to prioritise ourselves as we can’t fill from an empty cup. Remember it’s ok to not feel ok; and it’s absolutely ok to ask for help.
What are we quoting this week?
One of the great balancing acts in life is to be cautious and daring at the same time.
Cautious enough to avoid stupid mistakes, prevent burnout, and maintain a margin of safety”.
”Daring enough to bet on yourself, to do the things you would regret leaving undone, and to be willing to be uncomfortable in the short term so you can learn and grow in the long term.”
– Source: James Clear